Safeguarding at Aqualina & Swim England
Aqualina is a Swim England Affiliated club and as such we work to the policies and procedures provided by Swim England. Guidance regarding Safeguarding polices and information can be found in a document called Wavepower, a copy of which can be seen here:-
If you have concerns regarding any children at the club we have our own Welfare Officer Dawn Harding who can be spoken to directly at any training sessions or e-mailed on the following address:-
Should you feel for any reason you cannot raise the matter with our welfare office you could reach out to the County ( Hertfordshire ) or the Regional ( Swim England East ) contacts or the National safeguarding teams, all contactable via the below details:-
Swim England Hertfordshire Safeguarding Contact
Swim England East Region Safeguarding Contact
Swim England National Safeguarding team
Full details can be found at the following link where a referral form can be completed or you can contact them directly by phone
Phone 01509 640700 (Option 1 for Swim England and then Option 3 for Safeguarding)
Website with details and referral forms
Urgent Concerns
If the concern is urgent and about a child at risk, and you cannot contact your welfare officer or the Swim England safeguarding team, you can call the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000
If it is an emergency because a child or adult is at immediate risk, then call the police or children’s social care (if appropriate) in your area.
If a child or adult is in immediate danger contact the police on 999. For non-emergencies 101.